Guard Your Place of Abiding

Recently, I had a meeting with a high-caliber leader and local prayer intercessor. The day before our meeting I sent her a text message to confirm our meeting time. She asked if we could delay our meeting time a number of hours so she could “guard her place of abiding.” My friend’s place of abiding is the place and space she gives herself (daily and weekly) to deeply connect with the Holy Spirit. She (like any of us can) has purposed and discovered (in her own way) how to walk intimately with God. This leader does what is necessary to continually abide in Christ. This intercessor has crafted her life and makes the necessary arrangements so that nothing will interfere with her connection (her place of abiding) with Jesus. I am confident that the many people in our local area who have recently come to Christ are the fruit of this leader’s place of abiding.

This leader does what is necessary to continually abide in Christ.

Personally, one way I guard my place of abiding is to live with a good conscience before God. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:5, “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith.” By not defiling a good conscience we grow in confidence to live intimately with God and thus pray BIG Kingdom prayers. By living with a good conscience, we are ready to receive instruction, conviction and direction from the Lord. Guarding your place of abiding will lead you towards God’s heart.

  • In your current season, how is the Holy Spirit inviting you to abide?
  • How will/do you guard your place of abiding?

This week, I challenge you to guard your place of abiding. Take a day to fast, read scripture, or go for a prayer walk.

Here is a great model to foster daily time with Jesus:

Praying with you,

Adam Shepski

Global Prayer Catalyst

Youth for Christ International