Global Day of Prayer & Fasting: 7 October 2024

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Global Day of Prayer and Fasting

7 October 2024

To follow up on last month’s conversation with Phil from World Vision and Alan from Global Children’s Forum, we interviewed Maher Hajj from Youth for Christ Lebanon to hear how a partnership with World Vision enabled them to establish a youth centre for Syrian refugees.

Just after we finished the conversation, Maher shared about the bombing in Beirut. I do not know what the situation will be when you read this email, but please pray for the protection of our team there and for peace in the region. Despite the terrible atrocities in our world, the Kingdom of God is still expanding, and the light continues to shine in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it (John 1:5).

Also, this is a reminder that the Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger is from October 11th to the 13th. We encourage you to engage in this weekend of prayer and action in some way, even partnering with others in your area. We would love to hear stories that come out of the weekend. Please email [email protected] with those stories.

May you know the peace and presence of our Lord wherever you are.


Lyndal Walker

International Prayer Director

Some suggestions for this month’s Global Day of Prayer and Fasting

  • Read Psalm 46 a couple of times. Reflect on the promises of God in this chapter.
  • You may like to join in with this song.
  • Give thanks for the Manara Centre in Lebanon and ask for God’s continued blessing and provision. Pray that many more young people will encounter God’s love through the people serving there.
  • Read Matthew 2:13-15. Reflect on the story of Joseph and Mary with Jesus fleeing from danger to Egypt. What do you think they would have felt during that time? Imagine yourself in their shoes and how you would feel going to another nation to seek safety.
  • Pray for the refugees in your nation, especially the youth, and ministries reaching out in love.
  • As you consider the Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger, pray for refugees facing hunger issues and ask for God’s provision. If you haven’t already, consider who you may partner with on this weekend.
  • Pray for revival amongst youth in your area and across the world. Pray for youth to live boldly for Christ amongst their peers.
  • Pray for God to raise up harvest workers in the nations, and for his continued provision for the work.
Video transcript:




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