Prayer is a two-way conversation. As I say in my book Intimacy, Intercession and Increase, it would be pretty boring if only one person in a relationship did all the talking (2nd edition, page 23). Most of us are comfortable with speaking to God, pouring our hearts out to Him, presenting our requests, giving thanks and worship. But sometimes it can be a challenge to listen to Him. Most of this challenge probably comes from the fact that we can’t visibly see God. Another challenge is that we don’t actually know what He sounds like and if we are hearing right. It takes time to cultivate knowing what He sounds like. If we aren’t stopping regularly to intentionally cultivate listening to God, then it is more difficult.
The third aspect is our willingness to obey when we do hear Him. Like the children of Israel in the Old Testament, we may want the blessing of God, but when it comes to following Him we can become stubborn and want to follow our own counsel (see Jeremiah 7:23-28). John 10 says Jesus is the good shepherd and His sheep hear His voice. He is good and trustworthy and you can be sure following His voice in obedience will only lead to good things in His kingdom. It may be scary following His voice, and it may cost us something in the earthly sense, but He is always with us, and knows the best way to go.
So this month as we come before His throne of grace to present our requests for young people, join me in creating intentional time to listen to His still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12-13).
Next month we will explore more about how God speaks to us, so stay tuned. |